About The Chamber

The Grant Park Chamber of Commerce is organized to advance the general welfare and prosperity of Grant Park so that its citizens and all areas of its business community shall prosper. All necessary means of promotion shall be provided and particular attention and emphasis shall be given to the economic civic, commercial, cultural, industrial, and educational interests of the area.

The Chamber sponsors several events throughout the year, including Dixie Highway Flower Bed clean-up and the Chamber Vendor Even in December.  The Chamber also provides a scholarship for four Grant Park High School graduates each year who will be attending College or a  recognized trade school.  

Any person, association, or business having an interest in improving Grant Park is invited to join the Chamber.  Please fill out the application and return it with your dues payment to the Chamber.  In 2021 we added a PayPal account so that dues and donations can be entered online.  Our email address is grantparkchamber@gmail.com

Note: Effective July 1, 2016, member restaurants or other members who wish to cater a meal at a regular membership meeting, may provide that meal as payment of their annual membership dues. 

Dues Structure 

1 Employee                      $50                          Individual Member (non-business)            $25

2 to 4 Employees          $75                          Organizations and Clubs                                   $25

5 to 10 Employees     $100                         Utilities                                                                       $300

11 to 25 Employees    $150                          Taxing Bodies (Local Government, 

26 to 45 Employees  $200                                  school districts, etc.)                                $150

46 plus Employees   $250                           Cater a meeting meal                         Member choice 

The Chamber meets approximately every other month, generally on the second Wednesday evening.  Meeting locations vary, and at some meetings, dinner is provided by a local restaurant (these dinners are included with membership).  Minutes of the meetings are available from another page on this website.

Board Officers

     Board President: W. Gerry Morgan

     Vice President: Connie Granger

     Treasurer: Rhonda Higgason

     Secretary: Tina Rosenbrock


     School Board Information: 

     Library Board Information:  Amy Shronts and Connie Granger 

     Fire Department Information: Char Sims and Scott Dillman

     Government Affairs: Douglas Graves

     Business and Economic Affairs: Char Sims

     Public Relations: Debbie Morgan & Dennis Granger

     Internal Affairs: Dennis Granger

     Membership: Rhonda Higgason & Colton Ekhoff 

     Scholarship Committee: Char Sims & Scott Dillman

     Past President and Chair of the Nominations Committee: Scott Zizic

     Other Committees:  Golf Outing:  Rhonda Higgason & Colton Ekhoff

 Chamber Craft & Vendor Show: Connie Granger 


The membership form found below can be copied (right click and copy image) to a word document. The completed form and check can be mailed to the Grant Park Chamber of Commerce, PO Box 473, Grant Park, IL 60940.  We can now accept funds via PayPal so if you wish to pay with that method you can and just email us a copy of the completed form. It would be helpful if you could include a couple of extra dollars if you use PayPal to help us pay for their cost but it isn't a requirement. It also can be dropped off at Midland States Bank or given to a Chamber Officer.  If you have any questions, please feel free to email grantparkchamber@gmail.com. If the membership form is blocked by Google, click on it and ask to have the page shared. This will send you a copy of the form. 

Membership Form 2024.pdf